Closing of the 70th General Chapter of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God
In his closing address, Brother Pascal Ahodegnon, the newly elected Superior General, highlighted “key points enriched by the Chapter's approved orientations, which will guide our steps and direct our mission for the next six years”:
- Reignite the flame of our vocation and consecration
- Transmit and share a common culture of hospitality
- Foster boldness and creativity to meet emerging challenges
- Reflect calmly on our structures
“We are at a turning point on our shared journey, a demanding moment but one filled with great promise for the years to come. In the face of the challenges ahead, our commitment must be deep and courageous,” Brother Pascal stated.
A Chapter marked by fraternity and discernment
During these four intense weeks, the capitulars experienced profound hospitality, fraternity, and synodality in a spirit of prayer and spiritual discernment. The proceedings allowed for a review and the definition of recommendations covering crucial themes such as governance, the transmission of the charism of hospitality, the formation of brothers and collaborators, and the support for elderly brothers.
On November 1, Brother Pascal Ahodegnon from Benin was elected Superior General. Following him, five General Counselors from different continents were also elected :
- Bro. Joaquim ERRA MAS
- Bro. Saji MULLANKUZHY, Provincial of Austria
- Bro. Etienne SENE, current director of Dalal Xel Hospital (Senegal)
- Bro. David LYNCH, Provincial of the Good Shepherd (North America)
- Bro. John JUNG, Provincial of Korea.
These elections reflect the universality and diversity of the Order, which is present in 54 countries across five continents.
Prayers for a world in suffering
This Chapter, hosted in Poland for the first time, reflects the Order's solidarity with its communities engaged in Ukraine and the Holy Land, thus providing spiritual and practical support to the afflicted populations. It was an occasion to include in their prayers the victims of all tragedies in which the Order is especially involved worldwide, particularly in Spain and several African countries where the Order is present. These moments of prayer highlighted the universal dimension of the Order's mission: to accompany and care for the most vulnerable.
Looking towards the future
The recommendations adopted during this Chapter – and that will be published later on – will guide the Order in its mission of Hospitality, reinforcing efforts in the areas of transmitting the charism, continuing formation, and participatory governance. The Chapter concluded with a solemn Mass on November, 7, inviting unity and prayer for those dedicated to serving the sick and the needy.