3rd week of the General Chapter
Strategic reflection on five key themes
As in previous weeks, the day was structured around working groups focusing on five key themes: leadership, "spiritual worldliness", formation of the friars, their specific role and care for the elderly friars. A plenary session in the afternoon allowed the participants to reflect and discuss on each of these themes.
You can see the pictures of the day here.
Governance: finding solutions to ensure the sustainability of centres
Regarding governance, the goal is to ensure the continuity of the Saint John of God’s centers despite the decreased number of brothers. Brother Joseph Smith, from the Oceania province, who experienced a fusion of several provinces about fifteen years ago, shared his experience. "We wanted to adapt our structures to local realities, notably by creating partnerships with dioceses and neighboring congregations, in order to preserve our identity despite the decrease in the number of Brothers. Although this change required letting go of certain centers, it allowed the centers to sustain and deepen their mission of hospitality."
The role of the Brothers
The vocation of the Brother in service to the most vulnerable, his role in the management of works and his spiritual or fraternal life were at the centre of the discussions that followed. "It is necessary to rethink all these aspects so that each Brother can live his vocation with joy and conviction," stressed Brother Emilien. "We must strive to be exemplary by rediscovering and embodying our vocation, in order to give life to our motto: 'Through the body to the soul'. To do this, we must listen, accompany, collaborate, educate and be educated".
Towards a common statement: laying the foundations for a unified message
In addition to these thematic discussions, a team of four friars and one associate was given the task of synthesising the work of the previous two weeks with the associates into a common message. This message, which must reflect the aspirations and orientations of the General Chapter, will serve as a guide for the whole Order in the years to come. This approach illustrates the importance of a unified vision, despite the diversity of local situations, and underlines the desire of the Hospitaller Order to adapt to contemporary challenges without losing sight of its spiritual roots.
The discussions and reflections will continue until Wednesday, in a spirit of prayer and discernment, with the aim of charting a hopeful path for the years ahead.